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Refrigerator Repair – How to Tell If Your Refrigerator isn’t Cooling Properly

If your refrigerator doesn’t seem to be cooling properly, check the power supply cord for damage. Also, a tripped circuit breaker could be the culprit.

To make it easier for a repair technician to work, remove any excessive ice buildup and clean the inside of your refrigerator. This will help him identify the problem and make a faster fix. Contact Orlando Refrigerator Repair now!

When the inside of your refrigerator feels warm, it’s a sign that it isn’t cooling properly and that food spoilage is imminent. Taking care of this issue quickly is the best way to prevent costly food waste. Luckily, this refrigerator problem is usually caused by a simple issue that can be easily fixed.

For example, someone else in the household may be inadvertently adjusting the temperature setting when placing or removing food items. You can fix this by checking that no one is touching the settings and resetting the thermostat, which should shock the fridge into stabilizing the temperature.

Another common cause of refrigerator temperature fluctuations is blocked vents, which can prevent cold air from entering or warming air from leaving. You can prevent this by regularly cleaning the condenser coils and ensuring that there is no food or packaging blocking the vents. You should also avoid overfilling the fridge, which can block the airflow and lead to inaccurate temperature control.

If you are unable to correct the problem with these troubleshooting tips, it may be time to call a professional refrigerator repair technician. In addition to resolving issues with your fridge’s temperature, a technician can perform other repairs such as replacing the compressor or recalibrating the refrigerator’s shock system.

In some cases, the issue can be as serious as a faulty electronic control board, which may require a more extensive refrigerator replacement or repair. An appliance repair professional can help you determine whether a more comprehensive fix is warranted and recommend the most practical solution. In some cases, it may be more cost effective and environmentally friendly to replace the refrigerator rather than pay for costly repairs. The professional will be able to provide a detailed project estimate, making the decision much easier. They can even advise you on new refrigerator models with the latest features to ensure a long-term fix and optimal performance.

Dirty Condenser Coil

If your refrigerator is consuming more electricity than usual, it could be because the condenser coils are dirty. Refrigerator coils are responsible for absorbing and rejecting heat in your fridge, and when they become clogged with dust, pet hair, and kitchen debris, they can’t function properly. Dirty coils cause your fridge to work harder than it should, increasing its energy consumption and shortening the life of your appliance.

The best way to keep the coils clean is to make it a regular maintenance task. Before you begin, it’s important to unplug your refrigerator and turn off the power source to avoid electric shock. Once the refrigerator is unplugged, use a crevice tool or vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove large pieces of dirt from the coils. You should also clean the fan blades and surrounding area to improve air flow. You can purchase a refrigerator coil cleaning kit at most hardware stores or online.

For a more thorough cleaning, you may want to use a degreasing cleaner. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging your refrigerator. Spray the cleaner onto a coil brush and not directly on the refrigerator’s coils to prevent corrosion and prolong the life of your fridge.

You should also check for blocked vents inside your refrigerator. Often, these vents get blocked by spilled food or grocery bags. Blocked vents impact the internal temperature of your refrigerator and can lead to expensive repairs.

Dirty coils can also damage other parts of your refrigerator, causing them to wear out faster. Luckily, this is a simple problem to fix by regularly cleaning the coils. Keeping the condenser coils clean reduces energy consumption and extends the lifespan of your refrigerator. It’s a simple, affordable task that can significantly affect the performance of your refrigerator and help you save on utility bills and repair costs. Considering the potential for a refrigerator repair, you should make it a priority to clean the coils as part of your routine maintenance.

Frozen Food

The electronic control board serves as the brain of your refrigerator, regulating various functions based on feedback from sensors throughout the appliance. Faulty circuitry caused by power surges or age, and other issues can cause the system to stop functioning properly. If you’re experiencing a sudden loss of function, it might be time to have a professional take a look at the fridge.

Inconsistent cooling can also indicate a problem with your refrigerator’s temperature sensor or control panel. These components are responsible for gauging the internal temperature and signaling the refrigerator to switch on and off as necessary. If these sensors are faulty, it can lead to food freezing in the refrigerator.

Refrigerators are designed with airtight door seals to keep cold air from escaping the freezer or fresh food area. If these seals become warped, cracked, or torn, they can start to leak. Failing door seals waste energy and can cause food to spoil, so it’s important to check them regularly and replace them if they appear worn or damaged.

If your fridge is cycling all day, it could be due to a bad evaporator fan or condenser coil. If these are the issue, a simple cleaning session or resetting the thermostat may solve the problem. Failing that, a professional will likely need to handle a more complicated repair job.

Unusual noises coming from your refrigerator can be alarming, but some are perfectly normal. Whirring and humming noises are common for appliances with moving parts, while buzzing or rattling sounds might be a sign that the fridge’s fan blade is blocked or out of alignment. Unusual noises, like clanking or knocking, are usually a sign that there’s a serious issue with your fridge and should be addressed by a professional.

Refrigerators are one of the most used appliances in the home, so they’re prone to problems from wear and tear. When these issues occur, it’s important to seek out refrigerator repair as quickly as possible to avoid unnecessary food loss and costly repairs. If you’re concerned about your refrigerator’s performance, contact Dave’s Appliance today to book an appointment with a local technician.

Water Dispenser

Modern refrigerators often have built-in ice makers and water dispensers for convenience. If yours isn’t working properly, it’s worth calling in a refrigerator repair technician for help. These issues are usually easy for a professional to diagnose and fix, and they don’t typically require replacement of the entire appliance.

If your refrigerator has a problem with its ice maker or water supply line, it’s important to shut off the power and check the hoses for breaks or leaks. Depending on the problem, you may need to replace the whole line or just the connectors.

A refrigerator is designed to stay cold, so any excess heat is a big problem. Fridges that emit too much heat are working overtime to keep food cool, and the extra work can lead to shortened lifespans of other parts. If you notice heat from your refrigerator, make sure the fridge isn’t open too frequently or in an extremely humid environment. If the problem persists, try a refrigerator desiccant to absorb excess moisture or call in a refrigerator repair service.

Refrigerators that cycle or run too frequently can drive up your energy bills, and they can also cause food to spoil more quickly. A refrigerator that cycles all day can also be noisy and affect your kitchen’s overall ambience. If your fridge cycles too frequently, you should cut off the power and inspect the coils for dirt or other debris. Alternatively, you may need to replace the evaporator fan or the condenser fan motor.

Refrigerators are one of the most expensive appliances to run in a home, so it’s critical to maintain them to get the best performance. Most fridge problems are simple to solve, but if the appliance is out of warranty or has experienced extensive wear and tear, it may be time for a refrigerator repair service. Before you call a refrigerator repair technician, make sure to empty the appliance of any items and store perishable foods in a cooler. Also, unplug the fridge and remove all removable shelves and compartments to allow the technician access to all the necessary components.